Windham Township Volunteer Fire Co Dept 19
Pennsylvania Steel Buildings
In the spring of 1968 a disastrous fire ignited the rural countryside of the Windham Township in Pennsylvania. For residents, it was evermore apparent that they were in need of a fire company. Department 19 was made possible by the hardworking hands of its residents, it is an all volunteer non-profit 501c organization with 30 firefighters. Douglas Soden, former President of the Windham Township Volunteer Fire Company, now Captain has donated money and countless hours to make their new firehouse possible. It is a meaningful project for him and his family, his son and daughter also volunteer. Department 19 originally made its home in the Windham Center school building and most recently shared space in Soden’s business complex, Beaver Valley Cable Company before moving into it’s new home in Rome, Pennsylvania last year.
Soden purchased the new firehouse from Allied Steel Buildings, tapping into his personal assets to get the project underway. He acted as general contractor and worked hard to obtain the permits, arrange construction and acquire donations to finish the project. Soden had a hand in construction as well.
“I received prices from other building companies and we couldn’t afford any of them. That changed with a phone call from Allied, who was able to give him a discounted price on the new firehouse“We’ve never put a steel building up in our lives, our contractor put up a steel building, but his helpers did not. The instructions were vague to us, but we muddled through and erected the whole structure in a week and three days, I thought that was pretty good!” -Douglas Soden, former President of the Windham Township Volunteer Fire Company.
The new 6,600 sq. ft. facility has ample room for the fire trucks and is complete with meeting space, restrooms and a full kitchen. Many of the kitchen items were donated, like the wood cabinets, triple sink and stove. Soden mentions that they host events in the space as well. “We’ve got a nice building, heated floors and lots of space.” He had a great experience with Allied and the residents are pleased with the building. He says, “I would recommend Allied to anyone.” Thanks to the hard work of Douglas Soden and the volunteers of Windham Township, Department 19 has a permanent place to be proud of and call home.

Location: Rome, PA, United States
Dimensions: 60‘ x 110‘ x 16‘
Square Footage: 6600
Color: Gray, Red
Industry: Community
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